Increst: Stock market investing for beginners

Invest in high performing stocks through interactive learning options.


Lead Designer (4 members)
UX Designer
UX Researcher


8 Weeks
View Prototype


Increst is an online investment platform that enables users to invest in the stock market from anywhere. It is specifically designed to cater to beginners and newbies, providing interactive learning options to guide them in investing in high-performing stocks.

A stock is a financial instrument that represents ownership of a portion of the issuing corporation. Shares are units of stock that entitle the owner to a proportion of the corporation's profits and assets equal to the amount of stock they own. Stocks can be an important component of your investment portfolio. Investing in various companies can help you build your savings, protect your money from inflation and taxes, and maximize your return on investment.
Design Process

Research Process

  1. Survey
  2. Competitive analysis
  3. Secondary Research

1. Survey

We conducted a comprehensive survey involving a total of 30 participants. The survey group consisted of 20 male participants, 9 female participants, and 1 participant who preferred not to disclose their gender. This diverse sample allowed us to gather a wide range of perspectives and insights.

Nine in ten (90%) people have heard about stocks.

90% Survey

Only One in ten (10%) people understand how the stock market works and how to invest

10% Survey

Seven in ten (70%) people said they would invest using online brokers to invest

70% Survey
The survey results indicate that there exists a significant knowledge deficit among individuals when it comes to stock investing and overall understanding of the subject. Despite a notable level of awareness about stocks, as reported by nine in ten participants, the majority of respondents lack the necessary knowledge and understanding required to confidently navigate the stock market and make informed investment decisions.

This knowledge deficit suggests that there is a gap between the interest or willingness to invest in stocks and the actual knowledge required to do so effectively. Many individuals may have a desire to explore stock investing as a means of wealth creation or financial growth, but they may be deterred by the complexities and uncertainties associated with the stock market.

2. Competitive Analysis


We developed a mobile app that aims to address the knowledge deficit in stock market investing by offering an innovative and interactive learning experience. Our app combines interactive games, and short courses to provide users with a comprehensive understanding of stock market investing while ensuring a seamless user experience.

User Persona


User Flow

Low Fidelity

Home and Themes Portfolio Stock Details and Purchase Stock Details and Purchase Stock Details and Purchase Stock Details and Purchase

The financial industry has too much jargon, right?

90% of the participants in our user survey indicated that they have heard about stocks. However, only 57% rated their knowledge in investing stocks and other financial instruments at a 4 out of 10 on the scale. Furthermore, only 10% of the participants rated their knowledge above 9, suggesting a significant knowledge gap among users when it comes to buying stocks and investment.
To address this problem, we implemented two solutions:

1. Academy
2. Games

1. Academy

During the 2019 Covid-19 pandemic, online learning experienced a significant surge as people were required to stay locked down. According to Bay Atlantic University - Washington (2019), 60% of online students reported that their online education helped them improve soft skills, with problem solving skills being cited most frequently (85%). The impact of online courses on skill development is undeniable, as I myself can attest to. Despite being a microbiology graduate, I have been able to transition into a career as a product designer through online learning opportunities.

Building upon this understanding, we have developed simple and concise short courses that allow users to grasp the basics of the stock market and effectively navigate through our app. These courses aim to equip users with the necessary knowledge and skills to confidently engage in stock market investing, regardless of their educational background.

By leveraging the power of online learning, we strive to empower individuals with the tools they need to participate in the stock market and make informed investment decisions.

1. Games

To address the challenge of completing courses, we have introduced educational games alongside our short courses. These games are designed to teach users about stocks in a fun and interactive way. This approach is inspired by successful platforms like Duolingo, which use games to facilitate language learning.

Our games provide an enjoyable and immersive experience where users can learn about key stock market concepts and make informed decisions while purchasing stocks. By incorporating gamification into our educational strategy, we aim to make the learning process more engaging and accessible for users.

With this combination of short courses and interactive games, we are dedicated to equipping users with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the stock market confidently.

Games Games

High Fidelity

High Fidelity High Fidelity High Fidelity High Fidelity App Guide and News App Guide and News

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